Sustainable dog waste removal

Eco-friendly and affordable pet waste removal services in Chapel Hill and Carborro

What we do

Regular and reliable dog waste pickup and removal

Composting of dog waste to create a nutrient-rich soil amendment

Keep your yard CLEAN and the planet GREEN!

"Consistent and thorough, what else could I ask for?"


-- Chapel Hill Resident

Meet the Pack

For the past several years, I've been providing trusted pet care services in the Chapel Hill area through my business Rambled.

Rambled. is a specialized pet care service offering many services including daily dog walks, pet care drop-in visits, and house-sitting. After many walks, gathering handfuls of dog waste and tossing them into the trash bin, I saw a blind spot in the pet care industry in Chapel Hill, NC:

There was no one composting the waste!!

I started, grew, and maintain my pet care business on the same principles I plan to run Double Doody with:

Responsibility, Honesty, and kindness.

With those in mind, I plan to take pet waste removal to the next level by incorporating composting changing the way Americans handle pet waste disposal!

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